Eves24.com offers FREE shipping on all orders within India. Your purchase is 100% safe, with our fully insured Transit Insurance on all orders. All the orders are shipped and delivered either by well recognized carriers or by our own / supplier’s staff.
We request you to kindly check for our serviceability of your postal Pin code, on either of the product / checkout pages. We are continuously working to expand our reach.
We have listed the indicative days to dispatch / shipment of each of the Product on our website. These days are dependent upon the products and the requisite certification of the Products. The days to Delivery of the Product varies across cities, pin codes and generally takes 2 to 6 days.
Your jewellery is shipped in durable, tamper-proof packing that ensures that the contents remain intact. Your jewellery is fully insured till it reaches your doorstep; please do not accept any package that has been tampered with.
In case of Products, wherein changes in size of the Product (say in bangles / bracelet / rings etc.) are sought by you, the adjusted final invoice value will be calculated based on actual usage of precious metal or stone. This may be lower or higher than the indicated price as the case may be.
We have built in our prices, destination (state or city) specific local taxes to the extent of 1% of invoice value. However, in case of local taxes requirement of a particular state / city, at the time of shipment, is more than 1% then we may be required to add that to the adjusted final invoice value.
In case of our non-ready stock, wherein a product needs to be manufactured, the actual weight of the metal or stone used may vary by + / - 10%. The adjusted final invoice value will be calculated based on actual usage of precious metal / stone and this may be lower or higher than the indicated price as the case may be.
For our non-ready stock, we offer a facility whereby you can pay 20% of the indicated amount at the time of your order and the balance (80% or otherwise) of adjusted final invoice value just before the shipment of the goods.
You will be required to pay the balance, if any, of the adjusted final invoice value within 7 days of intimation from us. We shall ship the Product at earliest, on receipt of the balance of the adjusted final invoice value.In case, due to some reason, if you are not in a position to pay the balance within 7 days, you may make a request for extension of payment timeline by another maximum 5 days, beyond which the order shall be cancelled as per the applicable cancellation or return policy.
For Jewel Library and Easy Jewel, at present, we are servicing only within the city of Mumbai’s octroi limits.
Kindly refer to the respective service documents of Jewel Library or Easy Jewel, as the case may be, for the respective shipping policy terms.
Applicable to the customer at the time of purchasing the products
(For the purpose of these Polices, the reference to Customers shall include reference to Eves24 Club Members, and General Customers also)